Webinar Recap: AMS Implementation Doesn’t Have to Be a PITA (Pain in the Association)

woman with hammer about to smash computer

Guest post by Nate Brown, Business Development Director at Naylor Association Solutions

Over the years, the team at Naylor Association Solutions has learned that PITA, or pain in the association, isn’t a unique phenomenon when it comes to implementing new AMS technologies. However, our team has learned some tried and true practices that will help associations avoid...Read more

Member Connection

In the past, small associations have been forced to settle for inadequate solutions that don’t meet their needs due to budget, time, and technical limitations. With MemberConnection, there’s no need to compromise. MC was developed from the ground up to deliver the same functionality utilized by some of the largest membership organizations in the world to associations with 10 staff or less.

  • Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?

Is Your Association Ready for the Future?

Are you making predictions like these guys?

A funny thing happens as you spend more and more time at association-related events. You start to feel like you can predict the future.

Business intelligence. The cloud. Member engagement. The Internet of Things. Data protection. Blockchain. Virtual reality. No matter which association-focused event you go to, you’re bound to hear one of those buzz-worthy phrases, right? And let’s face it, you’re probably sick of...Read more

How to Craft Compelling Member Journeys to Increase Member Engagement

Joanna Pineda, CEO/Chief Troublemaker, Matrix Group

During a meeting with a prospect last month, the CEO remarked that only 20% of her members are engaged. During a client check in, I asked the COO of a large trade association what the association does when the primary contact of a member changes; he said, "um, they get the magazine and our email newsletter."

Matrix...Read more

A Guide to ASAE18 through the AMS Lens

It’s that time of year again, when we all meet to network, learn, and do business. Of course, I am talking about ASAE Annual . Only two more weeks, and we’re headed to Chicago!

While you are prepping by putting together your schedule of educational sessions and trying to determine what exhibitors & fellow association execs to meet, we want to help guide you in the right direction. Let’s start with educational sessions…...Read more

Getting The Most Out of Your Data

Guest blog post by Chris Capistran, President, Cobalt

Most associations focus on three metrics – member retention, member engagement, and market share. These metrics are critical, but there’s one key indicator that trumps them all – the Net Promoter Score. To figure out your Net Promoter Score, you simply ask your members, “How likely is it that you would recommend membership in our organization to a friend or colleague...Read more

When to Can Your Canned Reports

Guest post by Mary Davis, Product Marketing Manager, Cobalt

Canned Reports Only Get You So Far…

Every AMS comes with canned reports; prebuilt reports meant to save time for the end user. These reports are inherently generic and are intended to provide standard statistics for associations: how many active members did we have over a given timeframe, what is our renewal rate, etc.

If your...Read more

The Right AMS for a Volunteer-run or Small-staff Association

Guest post by Dan Ehrmann, President, ClubExpress

When clubs and associations decide to install a new Association Management System, it’s hard to know where to even begin, which vendors to talk to. AMSs are designed for many different kinds of associations, with varying time commitments, budgets, and internal resources. Some products are designed for the largest associations with hundreds of thousands of members, huge budgets, internal IT resources, and the time to build a...Read more

AMS Remorse: Protech Opens the Kimono – A Conversation with Teri Carden of ReviewMyAMS

Guest post by Jennifer Boykin, VP, Marketing & Growth, Protech Associates

No one ever said finding your Association Management System is hard. Finding the right AMS? Now, that’s a different story.

To offer insight into the AMS arena, look no further than Protech Associates’ Jennifer Boykin, who decided to “Open the Kimono” to reveal the inner workings of the AMS search. Jennifer’s AMS knowledge...Read more

A Different AMS Model

Guest Post by Dan Ehrmann, President, ClubExpress, www.clubexpress.com

The first associations that looked to running their operations in the cloud, using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model were big organizations with an office, staff, and a budget. They wanted a custom solution that handled their specific and unique needs.

So the earliest SaaS-based Association Management Systems were designed for such associations. (See...Read more
